
    Do you like play station shooting games?

    Turn it in to reality!

    Our Paintball activity is confined in a specially constructed 500m² enclosure. In addition, something which only we offer, unlimited balls during the paintball activity, for maximum fun!

    Paintball Alicante.


    Have fun with our “Call of Duty” inspired paintball activity.

    We propose several types of missions: search and destroy, capture the flag, triple mission 41, and the most requested: our famous “counter strike mode” mission. To clarify,  intense 3 minute rounds where strategic groups predominate.

    Above all, our paint markers used during the activity do not leave bruises and are just as effective as the ones that causes pain. In other words, much more fun with no pain!

    Minimum groups of 8 people, if you are more than 16 people we can offer a triangle game or a tournament.

    Duration of the activity, 1 hour.

    Minimum age 8 years old.



    Welcome to the most fun and safe paintball ever!

    Come on, don’t wait to try our paintball experience, we have prepared countless missions for you, to assure you have great fun.

    Duel by team, Defense in zone, Triple mission 41, Search and destroy, Game of votes, Capture the flag.

    Minimum groups of 8 people and if there are more than 16 in your group it will be a triangle game or a tournament.

    Duration, 1 hour activity.


    For any questions, please do not hesitate to call, send us an email or WhatsApp message, we will be more than happy to give you any information you require.


    This successful and popular activity in the United States has finally arrived to Spain.

    COMBAT LASER is a sports game that simulates a combat with laser weapons, in an urban environment. Bravery, aim and strategy will be your new motto. Adrenaline and excitement is within everyone’s reach.

    From 5 years upwards you can enjoy this collective game due to its infra red technology without pain. In addition, you can form very diverse teams, and any age can play, but do not forget that there will be lots of adrenalin.

    You can count your casualties and feel when you have been shot thanks to our new technology.

    Minumum age 5 years old.

    • Minimum 8 people
    • 1 Hour
    • 18€
    • Infant 1 Hour
    • 15€
    • Minimum 6 people
    • 20 minutes
    • 6 euros/pers
    • 40 minutes
    • 11 euros/pers
    • 60 minutes
    • 16 euros/pers